Space Invaders

Save us, please, from Space invaders,
Those pests who get right up my nose,
Who take two seats up on the train,
Or use the seat to rest their toes.

Stop them putting towels on
The pool’s sun beds at 2a.m.
Stop them treading on my toes
When I am standing next to them.

Stop the able bodied parking
In disabled parking spaces,
Prevent them using mobile phones
In designated quiet places.

Make them turn their music down
When they’re driving in their car,
For hard rock in the countryside
Is taking things a step too far.

Tell them that our picnic place
Should not be where their kids run wild,
And that we are not amused
By the antics of their child.

Make them keep their dogs on leads
Where cars and kids and traffic meet,
Make them park their blasted cars
On their own side of the street.

Tell them they should tell their friends
That, while partying is fine,
That they should vomit down the loo,
And not on territory that’s mine.

Tell them not to stand too close
When on a bus or on a train,
And if they don’t obey these rules,
That they are causing others pain.

Please try to make them realise
That this world is for us all,
It isn’t just for them and theirs,
And we’re not at their beck and call.

Make these egocentrics stop
Invading other people’s space.
Make them aware that they are just
A small part of the human race.

September 2009

Housekeeping Blues

There are two things that I need to remember after a major Drupal 6 release. Roll on Drupal 6. 14? One is that I have to restore the image files from the complete backup as they are stored in sites/default/files/images and if I don’t manually restore them the site breaks with no images.

Second is that if I do a major update the Taxonomy setting under Content Management loses its association with the Image type so that new image nodes cannot be added to Galleries. Edit the Image content type and tick image in the content type list.

14th Feb – Wedding Day

The Wedding Day

The great day! What a tale! It was fun and I got to marry the best woman in the world!

The start wasn’t so much fun though. Jet lag and/or being 8 hours ahead meant that, despite the long, long day before, we woke at about 4:00am and decided to go downstairs for an early breakfast in one of the Aladdin Casino’s 24 hour buffets. When we got back upstairs Lynne had loads of time to get ready and we were all ready shining like a new pin by the time the Limo was due to collect us at 9’o’clock. But it didn’t, we had to make several calls to The Little White Chapel before a non-limo finally collected us.

Which meant that we’d missed our appointed 10’o’clock wedding slot (the last one of the morning which is why I had booked it in the first place), and were informed that we would just have to join the line. Lynne ‘sweetly’ informed them that “in the UK a line is called a queue, and queue rhymes with sue, and that’s just what we’d do” if they didn’t get it sorted. So they took us outside to take the ‘after the wedding’ shots for the album we’d also booked.

We then got to ride back to the hotel in the Limo which they’d finally found. There we had our Wedding Reception. Me and Lynne consuming two bottles of Californian ‘Champagne’. It was very nice and dirt cheap and did the job. Thank you to the Table Manager who took our photo after the Croupier politely declined my request stating it would break the State Gambling Laws to touch my camera.

Our Wedding Reception

13th Feb – The Flight Out

Garrath’s bit

This was my first ever ‘long-haul’ flight, and I think Lynne’s too. We really had no idea what we were in for at all. First there was checking in. We had to get to the check-in for around 8:00am for a 10:00am take off. Usual chartered flight chaos, compounded by the huge number of passengers a 777 can carry.

The flight, ‘uphill’ against the Jetstream, took over 12 hours, so we landed at around 10:00pm body-clock time but it was only about 3:00pm local time. 12 hours is a long time to be cooped up, and that huge plane shrank as the journey went on. Still the in-flight entertainment was impressive with a widget in the seat arm that pulled out on a cable. One side was a games console and controller for the on-demand videos and audio. The other side was a phone! Lynne was tempted to use it but the cost was just plain silly.

Lynne’s Bit

My wedding hat caused a reorganisation in passenger luggage. I had carefully lodged it in a locker when a stewardess came with more luggage to jam into the locker. I exclaimed,

“You can’t do that, I’m getting married tomorrow and this is my wedding hat!” I explained to the stewardess and she took up the cause by announcing “Ladies and gentlemen, if you have something in this locker can you please move it. This lady is getting married in Las vegas tomorrow and we have to make sure that her wedding hat gets there undamaged.” Fellow passengers were duly compliant, gave us their congratulations and moved their stuff then the stewardess found some soft packing to ensure that my hat made the transatlantic trip completely unharmed. This was the first of many happy memories of the trip.

2000 – The Grand Circle Tour

Our second trip to the US. Organised through US Travel in Leeds and a lot of it was spent in the car, a Dodge Intrepid. A beautiful and comfortable piece of automotive engineering that we clocked something like 2,200 miles on in about 12 days.

After our return we found out that the tour we did was a well known one and called the Grand Circle Tour.


Anoerxia & Obesity

Verses examining both ends of the extreme body obsession spectrum

Let me introduce Ann O. Rexia,
But let me look round for her first.
Is she hiding between these pages,
Behind that broom handle, or worse,
Has she disappeared altogether,
Faded out n a puff of steam,
Has she spewed up what’s left down the toilet,
Or let out a final scream
“I am too fat to live any longer,
I can’t stand this life any more,”
And starved herself out of existence,
Torn apart in her own tug-of-war?

Now lets go and meet Vera Obese,
Finding her won’t be nearly so hard,
For she’s wide as she’s tall as she’s deep
And resembles a barrel of lard,
She’ll be munching a chocolate or sweet,
Saying “Truly, I eat like a bird.
It’s my glands. It is not what I eat,”
Not accepting how very absurd
Is her lame and half-hearted excuse
For her obvious, gross overweight.
Still she’ll eat more and more until she
Slowly drowns in a sea of self-hate!

© Lynne Joyce 1986

Extraneous Duties

Two verses written while I was teacher at at Moorland House C.H.E. (former boys’ approved school). Both were published in the Community Homes Gazette July 1980 and this adverse publicity resulted in the beds being changed in the sleeping-in rooms. SUCCESS!

Sleep-In Sickness

Alone to bed at a quarter to twelve
Paranoiacally listening for noise,
But all I can hear is the sleep-leaden drone
Of thirty-two sleeping boys.
Will they wake up, I wonder, and cause me a fuss,
Or will they sleep dreamily on?
In the morning, will we still have all thirty two,
Or will some absconders have gone?
Have I checked all the lights, switches, windows and doors?
Have I checked all the rooms well enough?
Hell, its midnight! This duty is not sleeping in.
Its a damned sight more like sleeping rough!

© Lynne Joyce, midnight, 16-4-1980

Extra-Onerous Duties

This bed has lumps with bumps on top,
The springs have sprung their last,
Its sleep-inducing qualities
Are disappearing fast.
The sheets are made of emery cloth,
The blankets made of lead.
When morning comes I’m sure I’ll feel
I’ve risen from the dead.
With every move I make I hear
An eardrum-splitting squeak.
Instead of getting lots of rest
I’m quickly getting weak.
Oh let me have a decent bed,
This damned thing you can keep,
For I don’t need this suffering,
I need a good night’s sleep!

© Lynne Joyce, 03.05, 16-4-1980

Employees Lament

A rant taken from my series ‘Animals, Friends and People’.

The whole World’s made of grovel & squirm
And self-effacing crap.
To get on you must be like a worm
That wriggles in a trap.
The trap is known as wage slavery,
The trapper is the boss.
Unless you sell your integrity,
His vacancy’s your loss.

‘© Lynne Joyce

Cutex-ed Claw


A feminist rant.

I reserve the right to to remove hair
From under my arms, bikini line and legs
And still be a feminist.

I paint my face,
Perfume my silk-sheathed body
And battle for equality.

I am at liberty to wear
Devastating underwear
Without being undermined or undervalued.

Defiant in nylon stockings
I fight tooth and cutex-ed claw
For women’s rights.

I pout my lipsticked lips,
Flutter my eyelashes
And spit venom at the enemy.

I assert my freedom
To flirt and be seductive,
But say ‘˜No” when I want to.

I refuse to be put down,
Held down, or held responsible
For other people’s emotions.

I am be free to be whatever I want to be,
To determine my own life,
To control my own sexuality.

I glory in my womanhood,
Celebrate my femininity
And join the monstrous regiment in battle.

© Lynne Joyce 27-9-1993.

Political Clerihew



Let us think of Tony Blair
Quickly, soon he won’t be there
Occupying number ten.
Please somebody, tell me, when?

Now let’s look at Gordon Brown,
The smartest man in town,
Soon to be Prime Minister,
But just a little sinister.

I’m afraid Hazel Blears
Is heading for tears,
For as Deputy Leader
We simply don’t need her!

Poor Dawn Primarola,
Has nobody told her
That such a ridiculous name
Doesn’t help in the politics game?

Here is David Cameron,
A multi-hued chameleon,
All Tories must confess
He’s just an Eton Mess!

Dear old Menzies Campbell,
He simply cannot handle
The twenty-first century
Cause he’s atrohied temporally.

Now lets look at Lynne Joyce,
Strong of mind but soft of voice,
Sharp of tongue with lightning wits,
Favourite hobby, demolishing sh*ts!

Lynne Joyce, 06.04.2007.

Council Meeting


Written during a meeting of Bradford District Council when I was a Councillor.

My will to live is fading fast
Just like an ebbing tide.
How long will this meeting last?
If its lengthy, can I hide?
Will all these speakers blether on
And on and on forever,
Or will we pass a mo-ti-on
To move to the vote – whatever!
I’m bored out of my tiny mind
With bleary, dreary verbage,
And wonder, does normal humankind
Care about this garbage?

© Lynne Joyce 2006

Coeliac Dis-ease – a rant about the atrocious treatment we get in the UK.

Gluten Free Offerings

It is melon for starters
And salad for mains,
Fruit salad for pudding
And starvation on trains.

Hey-ho, melon for starters,
Then salad with fish
And no carbohydrates
With every dish

After melon for starters,
Grilled chicken for mains,
With no carbs and no sauces
No pudding remains.

Whoopee, melon for starters,
And steamed fish for mains
Oh joy, fresh fruit salad
To add to my pains.

Here comes Christmas dinner,
What fare’€™s fit for me?
Dry turkey’€™s a winner
Gluten and trimming free.

Or its ‘€˜’€™We are so sorry,
There’€™s nothing for you,
You are such a worry,
We don’€™t know what to do.’€™’€™

Then ‘€˜’€™Oh, never mind,
Some fruit will be fine,’€™’€™
While they stuff themselves full
Of fine food and fine wine!

Or ‘€˜’€™A little won’€™t matter,
You’€™re just making a fuss.’€
(Go on, make us feel better
And pretend you’€™re like us).

The hidden agenda,
Though not what they say
Is ‘€˜We’€™d feel much better
If you stayed away.’€™

‘€˜You’€™re a social pariah,
A nuisance, a pain,
So here’€™s melon for starters
And salad – AGAIN!’€™

Lynne Joyce 17-12-2004

Cardboard Boxes

Cardboard Boxes

Written after the blindfold exercise on an Arvon course.

Walking with a blindfolded companion,
I led him to a pile of cardboard boxes,
He touched them gently first, then recognised them
And turned away to look for other things,
Much less dreary things, not quite so dull,
More lofty things, more serious and more spiritual,
Things more clearly inspirational.

How very sad, he didn’t see the magic
Lurking in that pile of cardboard boxes,
The world-wide wonder of the things they’d carried,
The glory and the splendour of the trees
Sacrificed then processed to make card
To fabricate those cardboard citadels,
But he was blindfolded and I could see.

A child, the child in me, given those boxes
Would make them into castles, haunted mansions,
Ennuit igloos, cars for racing drivers,
Plains Indians tepees, carriages or trains,
Space ships flying me to other things,
More lofty things, more serious and more spiritual,
Things quite clearly inspirational.

© Lynne Joyce, 17-8-1993

Childless to Child-Free

No Children

A favourite rant against the enormous societal pressure on people to have kids.

On daytime T.V.
(Cracked mirror of society),
Each programme features
Items designed for other creatures,
For sisters, not brothers,
And only those who would be mothers,
On the programme list
It seems the child-free don’t exist.

The daily slot
Filled with teenager, babe or tot
Says we’re without
What womanhood is all about.
And obviously
Models of deficiency,
Much less than thrilled
At being labelled ‘unfulfilled.’

We don’t have babies
So might as well have AIDS or Rabies.
We don’t conform,
And so we’re set outside the norm,
Ignored or even ostracised,
By the tyranny
Of the parenting majority.

They think we ought
To rock the cradle, not the boat.
Should not be free
To challenge domesticity.
When we protest,
Our challenges are not addressed,
If we acquiesce,
Child-free by choice becomes child-less.

We’re forced to try
To rationalise and justify
Our child-free state,
To remonstrate and demonstrate
Another way
That women have a part to play
In daily life
Other than mother, daughter, wife.

This stereotype
Is patriarchal super-hype,
Pushed on TV
As absolute normality,
By stick thin chicks
With blown-up boobs and pumped-up lips,
Employed to be
Models we will never be.

So we remain
Outside normality’s domain,
Social pariahs,
Whose aspirations reach up higher
Than maternity,
And being a man’s property
His only means,
Of passing on his worn-out genes.

Childless by choice,
We should protest and raise our voice
Louder and louder,
Fiestier, more robust and prouder,
And joined by more,
Chorus a triumphant roar,
“We will be
Whatever we decide to be!”

© Lynne Joyce, 1991/2007.

Cedar Cladding

Cedar Cladding

Verse written while I was on Keighley Planning Panel and worked in tandem with Cllr Elaine Byrom to ban the wretched stuff.

There are certain things that press the wrong buttons
In Planning,
And one of the very worst of those things is
Cedar cladding,
It is OK on plans and looks very nice in an
Architect’s drawing,
But in reality, on buildings it very soon
Starts fading,
Loses colour, turns grey & shabby and
Looks boring,
Dirty & dreary, it ruins the look of the
Entire building,
So Elaine Byron and I have maintained a campaign to ban
Cedar cladding,
And my parting message to Elaine on this matter is
Keep fighting!

Lynne Joyce, 18-04-2007.

Drown the South

A parody of John Betjemen’s poem, ‘Slough’, written in 1937

Come global warming, drown the South,
With every southern blabber-mouth,
Make good ones move to Cockermouth,
Rise up, the sea.

Come water, submerge London town,
Rise up as City brokers drown,
And make the House Of Lords fall down,
For liberty.

Submerge the ancient seats of power,
Immerse Saint Paul’s and London Tower,
Stop Big Ben chiming on the hour,
Come cleansing wave.

Wipe out the chirpy, cockney lad,
The smug, the selfish and the bad,
But save the decent and the mad,
And free the slave.

Annihilate the legal firms
Who treat their junior staff like worms,
Charge clients on outrageous terms,
Dissolve their files.

Overwhelm the Dorchester,
The Ritz and the Astoria,
Or sweep them up to Manchester,
Two hundred miles.

Drown Londoners who do not know
About the North or where to go
Outside the City or Soho,
They have no worth.

Take from them their prosperity
And share it out more equally,
For geographic equity,
Enrich the North.

Allow those people to survive
Who know that human life can thrive
Beyond the choked M.25,
Keep them alive.

Come global warming, let them drown,
Who keep the wealth in London Town,
And hold the other regions down,
Let Britain thrive.

© Lynne Joyce, 11.06.2007

Bore for Britain

The Bore

This man could bore for Britain,
Lull the Universe to sleep,
Yet I have to sit and listen
To this bleary, dreary creep.

Others’ eyes are filled with wonder
As they hang on every word,
Whilst I look at them and ponder,
“Do we live in the same World?”

Is there cogent information
In his un-dynamic speech?
Is there hidden fascination
That is just beyond my reach?

Are the others just pretending?
Or are they just as bored as me?
Since his tome seems never-ending,
Are they longing to break free?

Oh how can I escape from
This interminable drone,
Disappear and end the boredom
Of his dreadful monotone.

Shall I organise a Great Escape
And dig beneath the floor,
Or sprint towards the finishing tape
That’s just outside the door?

While I’m sitting, vacillating
As his blathering gets worse
I find my getaway creating
My escape route in this verse!

© Lynne Joyce 09.07.03

Pretentiousness versus Bitcherel

Me Writing

A rant against those who think poetry has to be obscure and verse (which is what I write) is unworthy.

Shall I sit and think of synonyms and antonyms
Or simply say just what I want to say?
Shall I concentrate on metre, rhyme and assonance,
Or express myself in my particular way?

Shall I ponder Sonnet form or Terza Rima,
Or write words down just as ideas flow?
Shall I slavishly do amateur pentameter,
Or tum-te-tum a rhythmic rodeo?

Shall I allude to Ancient Greek and classic imagery,
Or tell it how it is from where I’m at?
Shall I rely on inference and subtlety,
Or make it clear just what I’m getting at?

Shall I try to write obscure, elusive poetry,
Or smack you twix the eyes with Bitcherell?
Oh sod it, here it comes, complete with tum-te-tums,
The World’s a better place for Bitcherell.

Lynne Joyce 02/11/01

Birthday Presents

Once upon a time
When my face glowed anticipation
I was a shiny fire engine,
A tin toy drum.

Later, older, I became
Dolls house and tricycle,
Paintbox & plasticine,
Mittens on string.

Post adolescence
Radiant, young & beautiful
I was parties & champagne corks,
And bright engagement rings.

In my fabulous forties
I was racy and lacy,
Satin pyjamas,
And weekends away.

I became in later years
Perfume & diamonds,
Sophisticated restaurants
And rides in balloons.

Now at 57
I am a leather back pack,
Wrinkled, sturdy, designer but practical,
Undoubtedly expensive but boring as hell.

But inside this back pack,
This sturdy Katana,
There are fireworks and tight rope walks
And changing the World.

There is dancing and singing
Carousing and outrageousness
Humour and mischief
And drunken reveling.

Inside the phone compartment,
Designed for pickpockets,
There are plans for revolution,
And a blueprint for revenge

On anyone who makes me
A sturdy leather back pack
Sturdy and practical,
But boring as Hell.

Lynne Joyce 07.12.2004 (My birthday)


How do I identify my betrayers?
Do their scarlet roses wilt in shame,
Do their knives shine from too-recent cleaning,
Do they flaunt their triumph when I show my pain?

Are they taller, smaller, fatter, thinner
Than the people who stayed true to me,
Do they speak a similar or different language
Enriched with vitriol or flattery?

Do their lies lie easily upon their conscience,
Does their vicious slander ever spoil their sleep,
Do they even trouble to remember
All their murky secrets that I know and keep?

Do I seek redress by exacting vengeance,
Do I rise above it all, calm and bold,
Always bearing in mind that retribution
Is a dish that is tastier when served cold?


Botticelli Venus


Never trust a person with a beatific smile,
For the person who’s behind it is invariably vile.
Inside the Botticelli Venus with the curly copper hair
Is the spiteful bitch who’ll snipe and snitch whenever you’re not there.

Beware the Saintly person who is constantly serene,
Behind that well rehearsed façade there’s someone who is mean.
Look out when you see somebody who always looks benign,
In private they are hypocrites who slander, whinge and whine.

Be wary of the maiden aunt who’s talked about as ‘caring’
I’ll bet her private repartee is bitterness and swearing!
Be cautious of the person who is always self controlled,
Inside them is a temper that’s too heated or too cold.

Think twice about the person who’s renowned as generous,
Their yearning to be in control is truly onerous.
Don’t trust the goody two-shoes or the pillar of the law,
Behind their eyes, in disguise is a serious moral flaw.

No, place your trust, as place you must, in people who display
The full range of emotions in an open, honest way,
Those who can show their anger, those who can share their fears,
People who, when in distress, are not afraid of tears.

Trust those who, when they’re miserable, don’t feel the need to hide it,
And when you too are miserable, they won’t laugh or deride it.
Select your friends from people who can be sweet and vile,
But never trust a person with a beatific smile.

Lynne Joyce 08.05.2005

Celebrating Vulgarity

Vulgar Street
Oh how I love raucous vulgarity,
Farting, four-letter words and hilarity,
Full of lewd, rude and crude jocularity,
That shows good, working class solidarity
And enhances my pub popularity,
So its bugger polite regularity
And lets all drink a toast to vulgarity.

© Lynne Joyce


Stirling Vegan
Why do vegans have to be ugly,
And produce such ugly kids,
And wear scruffy clothes
And headgear
Like they’re living on the skids?

Why do they all have pot bellies,
And pasty, blue-ish skin,
And awful bags
Beneath their eyes
You could keep your lunchbox in?

Why are vegans all androgynous,
Such a gender-bending lot,
So you never know
Unless they say
If they’re male, female or what?

And why do they wear sandals
Regardless of the rain,
Through ice and snow
And winter winds,
Do they like to suffer pain?

And why do vegans always
Sit cross-legged on the floor?
Are chairs a sin
Made of animal skin?
Is that what they’re sitting there for?

What about carnivorous animals?
What about their rights?
Will the soya bean
Make them change their ways
And give up predation and fights?

They think they’ll save the planet,
But who are they saving it for?
Will what they eat
Or what they don’t
Bring an end to horror and war?

I am ranting about vegans
Because one is in my space,
And I admit
That I would like
To wipe the smug smile off his face.

Lynne Joyce July 2009

Things To Do Before I Die

Free Falling

I must watch some Grizzlies fishing,
Hire a carriage in New York,
Ride a mule down the Grand Canyon,
Hoist a sail and make it work.

I must ride a Penny Farthing,
And must plant some special trees,
Tell my loved ones that I love them,
Exact revenge on enemies.

I must nose dive from a small plane
And experience free fall,
I must fly a microlight and then
Wear denim to a ball.

I must ride high in a glider
And a single engined plane,
I must follow my desires
Until none of them remain.

I must paint some gorgeous paintings
And write stunning poetry,
I must get a novel published,
Have a thing named after me.

Of all these life ambitions,
Some I’ll do, some not, I fear,
But the ones I do successfully
Will prove that ‘Lynne woz ‘ere!’

Lynne Joyce, 24/04/2007

When Autumn Came Early

Autumn Scene

A typically English, almost poetic, gentle rant written in 1993 when Autumn arrived in mid August (like 2009 and 2014)

Days opened with lavender mists,
That moved as slowly as a theatre curtain,
Revealing gold-tipped sets.

Summer had left the stage
While we were still awaiting
Her sunshine soliloquy –
She gave a poor performance.

Autumn insinuated into play
In mid – August,
Like a villain in a melodrama.
We could hardly believe
His blatant upstaging.

Days shortened,
Dampness crept into clothes and bones.
Actors gradually assumed
Costumes in rustier hues
And bulkier construction.

The lights dimmed,
The music of trampled leaves
Built up the tension as the cast trembled,
Anticipating the fatal plunge
Of winter’s icy dagger.

© Lynne Joyce, 11-09-1993.


Anti Depressants
Consider a bottle of anti-depressants,
Of anti-anxiety, happiness pills,
You pop one at mid-day, then six, then at midnight,
They dry all your tears up and cure all your ills.

They don’t turn the clock back and stop him from hurting,
They don’t stop his mistress enjoying the thrills,
They don’t make you younger or stronger or lovelier,
They dry all your tears up and cure all your ills.

They don’t stop your friends being faithless and fickle,
They don’t stop your boss underrating your skills,
They don’t stop you feeling you’re worthless and dirty,
They dry all your tears up and cure all your ills.

They don’t stop the heartache but stop it from showing,
They don’t cure your nerves but the twitchiness stills,
They don’t stop his cruelty making your heart break,
They dry all your tears up and cure all your ills.

Consider a bottle of anti-depressants,
Of anti-anxiety, happiness pills,
You pop one at mid-day, then six, then at midnight,
They dry all your tears up and hide all your ills.

© Lynne Joyce

Ostrich Woman

Ostrich Woman

From Animals, Friends & People – a rant against a malevolent Narcissist that fits many Narcissists,

With eye of frog and breast of newt,
She’s ugly but presents as cute,
She’s stupid but convinced she’s smart,
Turns arrogance into an Art.

Born out of wedlock, she claims that
She’s really an Aristocrat
She’s haughty and imperious,
Sad, were it not serious.

She claims to be a genius
Not realised, because of ‘Us’
The ‘Us’ being anybody
Who won’t accept this comedy.

She lies then claims her lies are truth,
Re-writes the past until it suits,
Manipulates then twists and turns,
Then walks away as her Rome burns.

Wears Commedia del Arte masks,
Different ones for different tasks,
Malevolent, her smile is sweet,
She weaves a web of self-deceit.

Her egocentric fraudulence
Abuses then claims innocence
Those who challenge are condemned
As enemies, who once were friends.

She leaves behind, hurt in her wake,
Bruised evidence of each mistake,
Then blithely re-writes life again
So someone else can take the blame.

She buries her head in the sand
Thinking herself very grand
But does what all ostriches do,
Presents us with a horrid view!

Learning From Rabbits


From Animals, Freinds & People

Daily life is filled with chaos and confusion
Its a symptom of the supersonic age,
But we can shield ourselves by living an illusion
And being like a rabbit in a cage.

Now a rabbit in a cage might be quite happy
To live its life behind protective wire,
But when its caging makes a claustrophobic snappy,
That’s like throwing cans of petrol on a fire.

The rabbit gets neurotic about freedom,
The carer goes berserk about the cage,
One needs spaces whilst the other doesn’t need them,
A reflection of the conflicts of the age!

The secret of successful co-existence
Between creatures of all types and frames of mind
Is tolerance affection and persistence
And knowing that your kind may be unkind.

Lynne Joyce

Vampire Friend

Vampire Friend

Trust me and I’€™ll guard your secrets.
Trust me and I’€™ll counsel you.
Do not trust another person,
Trust me and I’€™ll be to you ……

A Tormentor, epicentre
Of the earthquakes in your life.
By my lying and denying,
I’€™ll wreak havoc and cause strife,

I’€™ll gossip and create suspicion
With colleagues, friends & family.
Then I’€™ll deny accusations
That the culprit could be me.

Then I’€™ll point my evil finger
At some innocent and say,
‘€œSee, she wants to wreck our friendship,’€
So you’€™ll look the other way.

See the cat and mouse game I play
With your personality.
See how clever and how wicked
And demanding I can be.

Call me friend and call me fellow,
Give me loyalty. Deny
All your justified suspicions.
Let me suck your life blood dry!



From ‘Animals Friends and People’

Worms squirm and worms squiggle,
Worms eat dirt and this and that,
Worms slither, worms wriggle,
Worms when trodden on go splat,
Worms crawl and worms grovel,
Lowly worms know where they’re at,
Worms live in worm hovels,
Worms are the proletariat!

Lynne Joyce


From Animals, Friends & People

Neat, nocturnal ballerinas,
Graceful guardians of the night,
Acrobatic twilight Venus’
Soar and swoop in silent flight.

Insectivorous patrollers,
Sentries of the midnight skies,
Beneficial pest controllers
Squeak their guiding radar cries.

Helpful, harmless gentle creatures,
Victims of mythology,
Have fascinating facial features,
Are worthy of a eulogy.



From ‘Animals Friends and People’

Snakes are lively, snakes are bright
Snakes can slide and slither,
Snakes are warm and snakes are light,
Snakes are hardly ever
Cold and slimy,
Slithery, slimy,
Nasty and vile,
Horrid reptiles,
Snakes are a sight
Sure to delight,
But in a fight,
Snakes can bite!

Lynne Joyce

Prancing Horses

Prancing Horse

From ‘Animals, Friends & People’

Let us look at the snorting, prancing horse
That stamps its hoof merrily,
It flounces and flurries and fusses and worse,
Does it unnecessarily,
It swishes its tail and tosses its head
So you’d think that somebody had made it see red,
But there’s nothing like that in its petulant head,
It just lives histrionically!

Lynne Joyce



From ‘Animals, Friends & People’

Camels are lumpy creatures
With great big feet,
Camels have haughty faces
And in the street
They look down their snooty noses
And condescend
To patronise anybody
They apprehend.

Camels have high opinions
Of their own worth,
They seem to think they’re superior,
Right from their birth,
And yet when you look at camels,
You view with pity,
A horse that was dreamed up by
A design committee!

The Hippopotamus

Consider the shape of the poor Hippopotamus,
His short, stumpy legs and his big, bulging bottomus,
He can’€™t easily walk and he surely can’€™t trottamus,
But in water he’€™s a King,
For its floating that’€™s the thing.

On land he’€™s a lumbering, bumbling creature,
Who is heavy and clumsy in every feature,
When it comes to aquatics, he is the teacher,
For in water he’€™s a King,
For its floating that’€™s the thing.

In rivers he glides and he glistens and wallows,
And eats water weeds which he chews up and swallows,
With a figure like his then it obviously follows
That in water he’€™s a King,
For its floating that’€™s the thing.

Peacocks – from Animals, Friends & People

Peacocks are pretty and pompous and proud,
They fan out their feathers and play to the crowd,
They air their opinions incredibly loud,
And BORE people.

Peacocks like having each pretty tail feather
Impeccably turned out, whatever the weather,
They love to strut round and to prattle and blether
And BORE people.

I’€™ll vow you know Peacocks among your own friends,
Whose self – aggrandisement knows no bounds or ends,
Whose arrogant droning invariably tends
To BORE people.


Sloth - From Animals, Friends & People

From ‘Animals Friends and People’

A sloth is a creature all doleful and slow,
Who acts as if he can’t decide where to go,
Whatever you ask him, he answers “Don’t know.”
A sloth is a slovenly thing.

He w–a–l–k–s slowly,
He t–a–l–k–s slowly,
He t–h–i–n–k–s slowly
And f–e–e–l–s lowly.

You meet him on every factory floor
In very staff rest room, behind every door,
He seems to think living’s a tedious chore,
A sloth is a slovenly thing.

Lynne Joyce



From ‘Animals Friends and People’

Rats are small and brown
And have twitchy noses,
Rats have skinny legs
And scratchy toeses.
Rats are omnivorous and ignominious
Creatures of habits vile and polygamous,
Rats are small and brown
And have twitchy noses.

Lynne Joyce



From my series ‘Animals, Friends and People’.

Leeches are slimy things that cling to you
And suck your blood,
Leeches don’t flatter you or sing to you
Or do you good,
Leeches are creatures
With humanoid features
They act like your friends do,
Demanding and untrue,
Leeches are slimy things that cling to you
And suck your blood!

Lynne Joyce

When I Become An Artist

When I become an artist
I’ll wear peculiar clothes,
I’ll have my hair dyed purple
And wear a steel ring in my nose.

I’ll be very rude to people
Who don’t see my genius,
I’ll be wildly temperamental
And make an awful fuss.

I’ll look very strange in cheesecloth
And gold Doc Martin boots,
And when I upset people,
I’ll blame it on my roots.

I don’t need to be able
To sculpt or paint or draw,
Or be competent in music
Or to write like Evelyn Waugh.

I will simply make the statement
That mine is concept art,
For there’s no better way to be
A well-paid boring fart!

Lynne Joyce 07-04-2007.

Accoutrements of Age

Who needs it?

I’ve got fat hips and a belly
That are made of Rowntrees jelly
In a rather sickly shade of pinky beige,
I’ve got loads of cellulite,
So I cover up at night
All the dimply bits that give away my age.

I’ve got a pair of knackered knees,
And a physio, if you please,
So my orthopaedic surgeon’s living well.
I have a surgeon for my face
Who simply can’t keep pace
With the damage I engendered when I fell.

He can fill the dented bits
But its well beyond his wits
To undo damage done by partying and drink.
He would like to do botox
To turn back my facial clock,
Because I’m a great deal older than you think.

But I don’t give a light
About bags and cellulite,
Or about my saggy, dimply, ageing skin,
Because what really matters
Is not about the wrappers,
It’s about the special woman that’s within.

Lynne Joyce, 02-05-2007.