Things To Do Before I Die

Free Falling

I must watch some Grizzlies fishing,
Hire a carriage in New York,
Ride a mule down the Grand Canyon,
Hoist a sail and make it work.

I must ride a Penny Farthing,
And must plant some special trees,
Tell my loved ones that I love them,
Exact revenge on enemies.

I must nose dive from a small plane
And experience free fall,
I must fly a microlight and then
Wear denim to a ball.

I must ride high in a glider
And a single engined plane,
I must follow my desires
Until none of them remain.

I must paint some gorgeous paintings
And write stunning poetry,
I must get a novel published,
Have a thing named after me.

Of all these life ambitions,
Some I’ll do, some not, I fear,
But the ones I do successfully
Will prove that ‘Lynne woz ‘ere!’

Lynne Joyce, 24/04/2007