Political Clerihew


See http://members.optusnet.com.au/kazoom/poetry/clerihew.html

Let us think of Tony Blair
Quickly, soon he won’t be there
Occupying number ten.
Please somebody, tell me, when?

Now let’s look at Gordon Brown,
The smartest man in town,
Soon to be Prime Minister,
But just a little sinister.

I’m afraid Hazel Blears
Is heading for tears,
For as Deputy Leader
We simply don’t need her!

Poor Dawn Primarola,
Has nobody told her
That such a ridiculous name
Doesn’t help in the politics game?

Here is David Cameron,
A multi-hued chameleon,
All Tories must confess
He’s just an Eton Mess!

Dear old Menzies Campbell,
He simply cannot handle
The twenty-first century
Cause he’s atrohied temporally.

Now lets look at Lynne Joyce,
Strong of mind but soft of voice,
Sharp of tongue with lightning wits,
Favourite hobby, demolishing sh*ts!

Lynne Joyce, 06.04.2007.