Ostrich Woman

Ostrich Woman

From Animals, Friends & People – a rant against a malevolent Narcissist that fits many Narcissists,

With eye of frog and breast of newt,
She’s ugly but presents as cute,
She’s stupid but convinced she’s smart,
Turns arrogance into an Art.

Born out of wedlock, she claims that
She’s really an Aristocrat
She’s haughty and imperious,
Sad, were it not serious.

She claims to be a genius
Not realised, because of ‘Us’
The ‘Us’ being anybody
Who won’t accept this comedy.

She lies then claims her lies are truth,
Re-writes the past until it suits,
Manipulates then twists and turns,
Then walks away as her Rome burns.

Wears Commedia del Arte masks,
Different ones for different tasks,
Malevolent, her smile is sweet,
She weaves a web of self-deceit.

Her egocentric fraudulence
Abuses then claims innocence
Those who challenge are condemned
As enemies, who once were friends.

She leaves behind, hurt in her wake,
Bruised evidence of each mistake,
Then blithely re-writes life again
So someone else can take the blame.

She buries her head in the sand
Thinking herself very grand
But does what all ostriches do,
Presents us with a horrid view!