Extraneous Duties

Two verses written while I was teacher at at Moorland House C.H.E. (former boys’ approved school). Both were published in the Community Homes Gazette July 1980 and this adverse publicity resulted in the beds being changed in the sleeping-in rooms. SUCCESS!

Sleep-In Sickness

Alone to bed at a quarter to twelve
Paranoiacally listening for noise,
But all I can hear is the sleep-leaden drone
Of thirty-two sleeping boys.
Will they wake up, I wonder, and cause me a fuss,
Or will they sleep dreamily on?
In the morning, will we still have all thirty two,
Or will some absconders have gone?
Have I checked all the lights, switches, windows and doors?
Have I checked all the rooms well enough?
Hell, its midnight! This duty is not sleeping in.
Its a damned sight more like sleeping rough!

© Lynne Joyce, midnight, 16-4-1980

Extra-Onerous Duties

This bed has lumps with bumps on top,
The springs have sprung their last,
Its sleep-inducing qualities
Are disappearing fast.
The sheets are made of emery cloth,
The blankets made of lead.
When morning comes I’m sure I’ll feel
I’ve risen from the dead.
With every move I make I hear
An eardrum-splitting squeak.
Instead of getting lots of rest
I’m quickly getting weak.
Oh let me have a decent bed,
This damned thing you can keep,
For I don’t need this suffering,
I need a good night’s sleep!

© Lynne Joyce, 03.05, 16-4-1980