
Botticelli Venus


Never trust a person with a beatific smile,
For the person who’s behind it is invariably vile.
Inside the Botticelli Venus with the curly copper hair
Is the spiteful bitch who’ll snipe and snitch whenever you’re not there.

Beware the Saintly person who is constantly serene,
Behind that well rehearsed façade there’s someone who is mean.
Look out when you see somebody who always looks benign,
In private they are hypocrites who slander, whinge and whine.

Be wary of the maiden aunt who’s talked about as ‘caring’
I’ll bet her private repartee is bitterness and swearing!
Be cautious of the person who is always self controlled,
Inside them is a temper that’s too heated or too cold.

Think twice about the person who’s renowned as generous,
Their yearning to be in control is truly onerous.
Don’t trust the goody two-shoes or the pillar of the law,
Behind their eyes, in disguise is a serious moral flaw.

No, place your trust, as place you must, in people who display
The full range of emotions in an open, honest way,
Those who can show their anger, those who can share their fears,
People who, when in distress, are not afraid of tears.

Trust those who, when they’re miserable, don’t feel the need to hide it,
And when you too are miserable, they won’t laugh or deride it.
Select your friends from people who can be sweet and vile,
But never trust a person with a beatific smile.

Lynne Joyce 08.05.2005