Today Is Not A Good a Day To…

Today is not a good day. And I guess this post will be a personal litmus test of just who actually looks at this site that I toil over?

Just over twenty five years ago Sarcoidosis killed about 10% of my lungs! Then for no known reason it stopped, when it could have so easily gone onwards and killed all of me!

Fifteen months ago I was operated on because I was diagnosed with Colon Cancer. So far the outcome has been an all clear, but that is no guarantee of my longer term survival.

Today, after a short series of blood tests by my GP I get a letter of appointment from the BRI that I have a referral to their Diabetic Clinic!

All I want is a happy retirement. Is it too much to ask?

One Reply to “Today Is Not A Good a Day To…”

  1. Good days, bad days.
    We get what we get and we just have to make the best of it. IF you had turned up for your GP appointment on Friday you might have been in the picture. As it is you will have to wait until Tuesday. Whetever the outcome we will deal with it together.

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