Techno-horror of a Weekend!

It started on Saturday afternoon with the tickley-nose conviction that I was getting a cold, whilst Lynne was struggling to upload a calendar. Investigation eventually showed that the hosting server was imposing an 8MB limit that it didn’t used to. It was a real blocker and Lynne and I were both developing a cold.

On Sunday I raised a ticket on the help desk and was assured it wasn’t their side. To cut a long story short I spent hours eliminating the possible perpetrators within our Drupal installation. So I tried to see if I could see the root of my server using SSH and failed miserably. (I need to get my head around the public/private key aspect.) Nett result I found I could not get to the site nor the cPanel! So I raised a critical level ticket before 8pm. As I retired to bed at 11pm feeling a little less ‘dotty-dosed’ I checked the site and ticket: nothing!

Then I noticed the ‘live chat’ button on the hosting support site. Twenty minutes later I settled down to sleep with access to site and cPanel restored (apparently my SSH login attempts had invoked a block on the IP address) and the 8MB limit in the php.ini file lifted to 100MB.


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